When this young Long Island family contacted Hicks about re-doing their backyard, landscape designer Sean Maher was tasked with the job of addressing their goals. The existing landscape they inherited from the previous homeowner had two under-scaled, disjointed patios with dated materials that did not work for their family’s needs. Un-successful attempts to solve the existing drainage issues had changed half the rear yard into an unusable gravel bed. The existing plantings were unappealing and the lack of flowers also needed to be addressed. The long narrow walk along the side of the home offered an uninviting entrance to the backyard.
The solution
Sean’s design solution would incorporate grading, masonry, carpentry, coordination of irrigation and lighting, and of course- new plantings. The new masonry was scaled to the client’s needs and would be a combination of irregular bluestone and concrete pavers in curved shapes that would conform to the homeowner’s aesthetic. The existing concrete steps and landing were veneered with stone, and a new railing completed the update.
The landscape crew, led by foreman Alex Rivera, regraded the property away from the house, installed underground drainage and built a small stone retaining wall to resolve the drainage problems. The retaining wall incorporated a stone bench to serve as an added feature. This regrading also allowed for a larger, level lawn space for children to play.
To enhance the side entry, a custom designed gate was placed to break up the linear space and help provide privacy. A new irregular stepping stone path meanders through a planting of various shade loving plants such as Rhododendron, Astilbe and Ferns to provide a more inviting approach to the yard.
New plantings in the back include various evergreens along the borders to soften the appearance of the 6’ high fence and enhance privacy. A combination of flowering shrubs including Hydrangea ‘Little Lime’, Physocarpus ‘Coppertina’, Syringa ‘Miss Kim’ and Carpet Roses for seasonal interest. Long blooming perennials including Salvia, Echinacea, Perovskia, Geranium ‘Rozanne’, Peonies, Liriope and Hemerocallis provide a progression of bloom from spring until fall. An existing Crape Myrtle tree (Lagerstroemia) was incorporated in the design and two additional Crape Myrtles were added to enhance the garden. The new plantings were designed with room for plants to grow along with this young family!
With the re-designed landscape, Hicks Landscapes was able to address all the client’s goals and provide a landscape where the young family can enjoy their time entertaining friends and family, or just spending quality family time together in their private paradise.
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