Fall is a beautiful time of year. Many of us go pumpkin picking, apple picking. We take hayrides, eat roasted corn and introduce our kids to Otto the Ghost. But Fall is also something else, something pretty important.
It’s an opportunity! An opportunity to get your yard and gardens ready for winter. It’s time to move that snow shovel to the front of the garage and to clean up garden tools, bird feeders and plants.
I spent some time this week speaking with my colleagues here at Hicks, collecting information about what we, as seasoned gardeners, do in our own yards every Fall. I hope you’ll learn something from our list and if you have an idea to add, please comment below or post it to our Facebook page. We’d love to hear your thoughts!
DO’s in the Fall Garden
DO plant trees, shrubs, bulbs, garlic.
DO water your plants! The ground is really dry. We haven’t had rain in weeks!
DO clean up your garden. A good Fall clean up with ensure an easier start in spring.
DO clean your rakes, shovels and other garden tools before you close up the shed for winter.
DO clean and fill your bird feeders with suet and black oil sunflower seeds. The fats and oils will help birds survive through the winter.
DO mulch leaves with your lawn mower and then place the shredded leaves in your compost pile or around your roses for winter protection
DO bring in or protect ceramic and clay pots from breaking in the winter.
DO apply one last shot of weed killer if the temperatures are above 65 degrees and it will be warm for a few days.
DO mulch your garden beds.
DO place a net over your pond to keep leaves and critters out.
DO make sure your pond heater is working.
DO apply ironite to your plants and lawns.
DO prune plants for shape (not major pruning).
DO take pictures, make a garden map or label your perennials so you’ll remember what you planted where in spring.
DO enjoy yourself! Soon Fall will be over and winter will be upon us.
Don’ts in the Fall Garden
DON’T cut down the dead stalks of purple coneflowers, black eyed susan’s and other plants whose seeds and berries feed birds through the winter.
DON’T cut down your ornamental grasses. They provide beauty and movement to the garden when it is otherwise empty.
DON’T fertilize after 10/31.
DON’T majorly prune your plants.
DON’T prune roses, lavender or hydrangea.
DON’T add any diseased plants to your compost pile.