The easiest way to add color to your garden during the summer is by using hardy flowering shrubs. Not only do they re-bloom all season, they come back year after year.
Summer flowering shrubs include many old favorites such as roses and hydrangea. Newer varieties are more durable and help even the novice gardener realize they too can grow beautiful plants. Some of our favorites include:
Knock Out Roses
Drought tolerant and resistant to black spot, the Knock Out® is considered the easiest rose to grow. The sweet fragrance they produce comes from blooms that appear from April until November. The foliage turns burgundy in the fall. This is a must-have for every garden.
Hicks carries many varieties of Hydrangea including lacecap, mophead and climbing varieties. ‘Endless Summer’ has rich beautiful pink or blue flowers, depending on your soil acidity. It blooms on both old and new growth, ensuring you will have gorgeous blooms year after year – even if you prune it during the wrong time of year. It is also more mildew resistant than other macrophylla varieties.
Crape Myrtle
These are not the myrtles of the South. Our selection is hardy to this area and includes more than 15 varieties in colors ranging from white to pale pink to deep crimson. This is the tree you see blooming in mid to late summer and wonder – “Where can I get that?!” Many varieties are disease resistant and drought tolerant.
Butterfly Bush
This summer bloomer is available in pink, white and purple. The fragrant blooms attract birds, butterflies and hummingbirds, making them a favorite in everyone’s gardens. Once established, Butterfly Bush is drought resistant.
Planting summer blooming shrubs will provide many years of joy and color in your garden. Visit Hicks to check out our full selection of summer flowering shrubs.